How Did Rousseau Influence The French Revolution

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The Influence of Man Introduction: Influence and inspiration are powerful forces. They can empower and motivate people to accomplish extraordinary works, good or bad. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who was born in 1778, was a very inspirational and respectable man. His political philosophy, which heavily influenced the Enlightenment Period, inspired three very important men in the development of the French Revolution; Jean-Paul Marat, Georges Jacques Danton, and Maximilien Robespierre. Each of these men, taking Rousseau’s works to heart, believed in having a Republic system based on law and civic order. But the way of accomplishing such a goal was different in each individual mind, which resulted in a disjointed effort, disagreements, and murder. However, …show more content…

The first position he had in the Revolution was as president of the district that played a major part in the Storming of the Bastille, the Cordeliers club. He was also the first president of the Committee of Public Safety, which controlled and supervised the military, judicial, and legislative efforts. The Committee of Public Safety, led by Danton, promoted and established The Reign of Terror, which was a major phase in the French Revolution. However, the role he played in the advancement in the French Revolution was overlooked because he was accused of venality and leniency towards the Revolution’s enemies. On the 5 of April, 1794, Danton was guillotined by the advocates of revolutionary terror, cutting down him and his influence on the Revolution. Third Topic: Maximilien Frencios Marie Isidore de Robespirre was born May of 1758 and is considered by many the most authoritative developer and influential figure of the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror. The positions he had helped him immensely in his efforts to establish a French Republic. He was a French lawyer and politician. He was a member of the Estates General, the Constituent Assembly, and the Jacobin Club. Since he believed that the plebeians should have the same rights as the Nobles, he went to the extremes to accomplish his “noble cause.” and that the Nobles should be exucted Robespierre. A little about personality. Birth date, death date, cause of death. What position did he have? What did he do? How did that affect the

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