Comparing Catholicism And Hinduism

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When the subject of religion is discussed, people tend to not go into details about the origin, beliefs, and impact towards its followers. However, it’s important to be discussing these details to help one another understand the importance and relevance of one’s own religion. These details are also important to learn because people often mistaken and misunderstand religions, like Catholicism and Hinduism, based on their lack of knowledge and biased opinions. Catholicism is a religion that falls under Christianity, so it should be no surprise that Catholicism originated from Jesus Christ and Christians in Rome. The origins of Catholicism can be traced back to the Roman Catholic Church from AD 30 to AD 50. Additionally, the origins of the …show more content…

“Sacraments are rituals and events through which God gives us grace”. There are seven sacraments that are accepted. These sacraments are Baptism, Eucharist, Reconciliation, Confirmation, Holy Orders, Matrimony, and Anointing of the Sick. Furthermore, another set of beliefs that are associated with Catholicism is authority. “Catholicism have various sources of authority”. These various sources of authority are the bible, tradition, the creeds, bishops, and pope. Ultimately, the main source of authority is Christ himself. Since Catholicism falls under Christianity, and Christianity is the largest religion, one would assume that Catholicism has a large impact. Catholicism impacts the views of marriage, relationships, sexuality, and life in …show more content…

This means that they believe in one god, and in this case, Hindus believe in their god, Brahman. However, being henotheistic does not prevent Hindus from recognizing and acknowledging the existence of other gods and goddesses. Just like every other religion, Hinduism has a set of beliefs. An example of these beliefs would be samsara and karma. In simpler words, samsara is the belief in afterlife and reincarnation, while karma is “the universal law of cause and effect”. Another set of beliefs that are associated with Hinduism is atman and dharma. Atman, or the belief in soul, states that all living creatures have a soul and are part of of the supreme soul. Furthermore, they must strive to achieve moksha, or salvation, in order to be part of the absolute soul. Lastly, unlike samsara, karma, and atman, dharma is more of a lifestyle that Hindus strive to achieve, than a belief. In other words, dharma is “a code of living that emphasizes good conduct and morality”. Hinduism is the third largest religion, and therefore, the impact would be rather huge. In most ways, Hinduism affected the caste system of India, hierarchical relationships, and how India views and deals with

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