Compare And Contrast Mahayana And Buddhism

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In this paper, I will discuss some significant differences of Mainstream Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism. Meditation is the action or practice of concentration and mindfulness. Now there are four important things to remember when meditating and they are your environment, body position/technique, motivation and support. I think these four things are pretty universal when it comes to meditation. According to Mainstream Buddhism there are two categories in which meditation falls under samatha and vipassana. Samatha translate into calming which is intended to keep you focused on a certain object for a length of time. The second one is vipassana, which means insight, and this is intended for you to gain wisdom and see things as they are. The way …show more content…

There are three motives followers of Buddhism have lesser, middling and great motivation. Mainstream Buddhism has middling motivation and Mahayana has great motivation. Mainstream Buddhism end goal for the majority of its followers is to become an arhat who is a worthy one or the small minority that want to become a Buddha. Mainstream Buddhist have been known to lead the more selfish path since their main goal is to achieve nirvana for one self and stay there. The path to either becoming an arhat or Buddha varies in length. Becoming a Buddha is said to have a more difficult and long journey than one of an arhat. Now Mahayana Buddhist follows the Bodhisattva Path, which can take up to an aeon to complete and when embarking on this path one first accepts the bodhisattva vow. A reason so many are motivated to accept the bodhisattva vow is to avoid bad karma and the penalties that come with it like the five realms of hell. The main goal in Mahayana Buddhism is to attain Buddhahood which, is when one does not reside in nirvana, they wish to pursue other realizations and they come back down out of nirvana to help other beings attain nirvana this is called a Bodhisattva. Since Mahayana Buddhist return from nirvana they remain in a state of samsara till the end. The nirvanas Mahayana and Mainstream …show more content…

Although Mahayana Buddhist and Mainstream Buddhists do have their differences such as there objective in training, texts, nirvana concept and the path they take and follow as I discussed earlier in this paper. They also differ in some of their meditation practice and on the concept of Buddha nature. But they also have some closely related similarities as well such as monastic practice, lay practice, social structure and

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