Compare And Contrast Essay On Water Vs Sports Drinks

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The long-argued disagreement between water and sports drinks is highly questionable to any regular person who has almost zero experience what so ever to what is healthy for your body. People all have different opinions over this subject because of the different life styles they live and peruse, but in this case, it's about my opinion over the subject and my opinion is going to be looked through the eyes of a young athlete. Honestly, I have a biased opinion because I drink my pre-workout every day before the gym, but I also drink 2 gallons of water every day as well. This puts me at an in between point where I drink both of them on a day to day basis.
I would have to say my opinion would have to lean more to the side of sports drinks. My reason for siding with sports …show more content…

I'm not saying water is useless and that you should only drink sports drinks, you should always keep a balance when it comes to drinking something other than water because your body is made up of 60% water according to the USGS Water Science School "Up to 60% of the human adult body is water". The lack of water intake may lead to paleness, fatigue and also fainting because your body needs water to survive. What I like to do is drink some sports drinks but followed by double the amount of water to stay hydrated at all times. This method that I use may benefit many other athletes that struggle with maintaining a good balance between water and sports drinks. This benefits athletes by informing them about how you should always have double the water amount of any other type of drink so your body comes to a balanced stage where you are consuming liquids in a healthy way that does not hurt your

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