Sports Drinks Vs Water Essay

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Have you ever wondered why sports teams provide sports drinks during games rather than water? During my research I learned that the body loses electrolytes, sodium, carbohydrates and water during physical exercise (Sports Drinks and Athletic Performance). As a soccer player who runs a great deal during a game, I wanted to know what drink would keep me hydrated and give me energy to perform better. In order to answer this question, I needed to research these subtopics: hydration, what are sports drinks, electrolytes, and the ingredients of Gatorade and water. In addition I had to also research when it is best to drink sports drinks and water. Based on my research I hypothesized that if I test two different drinks and their ability to increase athletic performance, then I think Gatorade will help performance the best because Gatorade has the needed nutrients that water does not have.
Hydration is imperative for optimal performance for all athletes. When an athlete is adequately hydrated, their body is able to transport nutrients and oxygen to working muscles and aid muscle repair, remove lactic acid …show more content…

A good time to drink gatorade would be Prior to exercise. They provide an excellent source of easily digested carbohydrates to maximize muscle fuel storage for optimal performance. The sodium also encourages fluid intake and aids in fluid absorption and retention (Sports Drinks and Athletic performance). Another good time to use sports drinks is during exercise. Sports drinks enhance performance by delivering carbohydrates and fluid to the body during high intensity exercise lasting sixty minutes or longer, moderate-high intensity exercise lasting more than 90 minutes (e.g. running, cycling, rowing) Intermittent high intensity exercise (e.g. soccer, hockey, wrestling, gymnastics) Hydration is critical for optimal athletic performance and is essential to good health (Sports drinks and Athletic

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