Compare And Contrast Essay On The Holocaust

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Millions upon millions of people were killed in the holocaust, that is just one of many genocides. There are many similarities between different genocides. Throughout history, many aggressors have started and attempted genocides and violence on the basis of someone being the "other".

In every genocide, minorities and those who were seen as "different" or as the "other" were targeted and blamed for massive systemic issues in society. This includes religious minorities, or groups of people with religious beliefs different from the mainstream. In the holocaust, the main group that people think of getting murdered are Jewish people. A lot of Polish people were also killed within the holocaust. This includes ethnic and racial minorities, or groups of people who look and and sometimes dress differently in terms of skin color, and sometimes clothes. It is known that Hitler and the Nazis wanted to promote an “Aryan” race, an all-white all-German society. It is clear that he was willing to commit genocide on the basis of race, as well. In the Armenian genocide, the Ottoman empire killed people on the basis of being Armenian. This also actually includes members of the LGBT+ community. During the holocaust, Hitler and the Nazis also gathered up …show more content…

Millions on millions were killed and even more were harmed, starved, and worked to near death. Eventually an international effort was created, a war against Germany, The Nazis, and the Axis powers. They were stopped, but only after millions had already been killed. On the other hand, an estimated two million Armenians were killed in the Ottoman empire. At least a million others were deported. After the Central Powers were defeated, the genocide ended because the perpetrators no longer had power. In most cases, these situations are ended by other countries uniting together to end these

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