Compare And Contrast Essay On Being A Twin

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Jocelyn Espino Professor Dr. Jerome Winter English 50: English Composition 17 September 2017 On Being A Twin “Are you guys twins?” “Is your name Jocelyn or Giselle?” “How do I tell you apart?” These are the questions I hear in my everyday life. People find twins very interesting and wonder how it is being a twin. Few people have the opportunity to experience such a close bond with another individual. Luckily, I have the opportunity to experience it. From the day of conception, we have been side by side ever since. Although, it is a blessing to have someone that will always be by your side it is difficult to make an identity for yourself when everyone considers twins to be a whole and have everything in common. Identical does not mean the same. Everyone thinks they are unique and one of a kind but twins do not take that in …show more content…

She understands me more than anyone ever could. We have many similarities; we can talk about an episode of Grey’s Anatomy for hours and never get tired of each other, especially when we finish eachother sentences because we tend to think alike. Mostly everyone sees us as whole because we tend to share everything from a room, friends, and even clothes at time. Despite having to match clothing all the time, our mother would choose separate color schemes in trying to tell us apart. Furthermore, it is wonderful that I have a built in best friend. For instance, when one of us has a bad day who better to talk about then your best friend.When nothing else goes right, my twin is always there to condole with, from the time we were kids and even now. That is my top reason why being a twin is wonderful. Not only that but it is fun to trick people. My sister and I have great fun when we trick our friends and family members by wearing the same clothes. But now we do not look as alike as when we were younger and so the fun had to stopped. But like anything in the world, it is not easy being a

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