John Locke's Explanation Of Conjoined Twins

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Chiyane Peterson All over the world, there are many different medical cases discovered. There are very rare ones and some common ones as well, we often see them everyday or on television shows. An example of one of these cases would be the Hensel twins,they are conjoined twins.Conjoined twins are very rare, that occur once in every 200,000 live births.Which means that most people in their lifetime will never get a chance to meet conjoined twins. Many people question how to categorize conjoined twins, most just categorize them as humans. A human is just continuity of life to be the same human,while a person is rational, moral and agent. John Locke puts the twins in thought when speaking of the Day-Man and Night- Man, a man with one body with …show more content…

As read in many different articles and the comments after the articles, people either are confused and name them unknown, or they call them two people with one body. The question to if they are punished the same seems to go on a mystery, but as their mother,Patty, states that they are two different people and wants them to be treated as two different people. This gives the assumption that in their household that they are both punished differently, but it is not certain. There is no other evidence that has been found of how they would be punished if they were to get in trouble. But each twin seems to want to be known as an individual rather than one, they both want their own driver's license even if they both are in the picture. However, along with moral responsibility one is in control of one side of the body as the other is in control of the other side; Abby is in control of the right side and Brittany controls the left side. They can’t sense each other's side, each side is similar to a body of its own. They are able to make their own decisions and plans, as said in the video. But most of the time they come to a compromise of what to do and how to go about things in the future. They each say that they are very opposite of each other as Abby likes pink and is more into girly and preppy things and Brittany likes the …show more content…

The last part to consider for a conclusion to the question being studied is how the twins are agents or react in social activities.As seen most in the videos, the twins in the social scenes are two different people. For example, the scene in the English classroom Abby is clearly the more dominant one over Brittany as she takes control and speaks directly towards the teacher. Even Boozikee mentions that Abby is more outgoing and bossy; while Brittany is more laid back, quiet and more reserved in her own world. When the twins were younger they did participate in many sports, Patty and Mike say that there eye coordination while playing the sports was very surprising because of how much of a grip they had. As they get older they speak about marriage and children, but the only thing said was that they get married,then they feel they will have to take care of their parents.As far as having a career they had similar but different majors that they had in mind. Abby wanted to be able to do something in Math with kids, while Brittany wanted to work pre-primary from birth to sixth grade. They both decided on becoming a part time math teacher to 4th and 5th graders would fit best for the both of them. However, when they were younger they had two different views on careers; as Patty stated one wanted to be a pilot and the other a dentist. This last piece of information shows how the twins are

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