Community Garden

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As a person bites into a fresh green pepper or maybe sugar snap peas, that person does not think about where that fresh vegetable was grown. The fruit and vegetables that people are consuming every day in the local communities could have been grown in another state or even another country, by a farmer the consumer does not even know. Community members could be sure about who has touched their produce if the communities develop community gardens. Through a community garden it will benefit the community members by not only having fresh produce available, but by making them more intrigued to eat items that promote a healthy lifestyle. A community garden would encourage bonding, lower cost, and healthy living. By having a community garden, those …show more content…

Various tasks could be taught to the children of the community members from weeding the garden to how to harvest the fruit and vegetables produced. In fact, teaching the children tasks such as this will not only help them learn to garden, but give them a sense of responsibility. While learning how to be responsible the children will also develop their own unity, as they learn to get along with and bond with other neighborhood children they might not otherwise interact with. Learning how to responsible at a young age through something as simple as a community garden can benefit the children for the rest of their lives. The children will be taught that a person has to work for what they want and that a person does not get everything handed to them. Cathleen D. Zick co-author of “Harvesting More Than Vegetables: The Potential Weight Control Benefits of Community Gardening,” states, “The decision to garden likely influences both caloric intake and physical activity.” Through this community garden the children will learn how the fruits and vegetables that they eat are brought into their homes and on to the tables, while doing physical activity. Situations such as this go to prove how many benefits a community can acquire from installing a community …show more content…

Elizabeth A. Mack co-author of “Gardening in the dessert: a spatial optimization approach to locating gardens in rapidly expanding urban environments,” stated, “Food access is a precursor to healthy food consumption and healthy food consumption is associated with better health.” Today it is easy for someone to stop at the local McDonald’s or any fast food restaurant to order the children a happy meal. If these stops become a frequent occurrence due to that fact that they are convenient, it will result in an inconvenience for the children’s diet and

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