Commercial Appeal Essay

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We appeal to relationships for adults with families. Commercials will depict families farming together engagingly (Fig 82).
Appealing to family togetherness (Fig 83), advertisement will sequence from learning to farm to produce and finally to Share. Generating sense of togetherness helped Coca Cola built a Facebook fan base of 6 million .
We appeal to nostalgia. In Erik Erikson Psychosocial Theory , “elderly have a tendency to look back at their life journey”. Nostalgia connected with 60% respondents and the commercial appealed to 87% like Ms Foo and Ms Ong who perceive it as “bringing back good memories”. Mr Quek sees it as a “contribution by the pioneers”. (See Appendix)
Our advertisement commences with a flashback of an elderly farming during his youth to support the family (Fig 84)
It returns to the present where his daughter brings him to an …show more content…

Our publicity campaign adopted advertisements targeting specifically adults, elderly, families separately (Fig 87). Surrealist advertising with sample testing was proposed to raise understanding and consequently consumption of farmed-produce. This increases awareness and consumption. (Desired Outcome 3a, 3b)
In essence, through comprehensive school/ community farming curricula and experiential get-together events and novel publicity through media and bus-stops, we integrated urban-farming learning, practice and interest groups to target audiences simultaneously.
Additionally, the education curriculum might be limited in effectiveness as it caters to all students regardless of their interest in urban-farming. Therefore, we need to have follow-up and available farming-avenues for selected interested students to continue their passion. Some ideas could include banding together student enthusiasts to become ambassadors of local-urban-farms and better spread awareness amongst their

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