Caffeine Essays

  • Caffeine

    559 Words  | 2 Pages

    Caffeine. All of you probably already know what caffeine is. In case you don’t, it is a common legal stimulant drug, that is in a lot of the things that we eat and drink. In its pure form,it is a white powder, but it is also found in many different types of plants. Some of the most known products with caffeine in them are coffee,chocolate,sodas and tea. What you might not know is that caffeine is also in things you might not expect, such as pain killers and sometimes even ice cream. Caffeine is in

  • Caffeine Essay

    3255 Words  | 7 Pages

    Caffeine, everybody consumes it. It gives adults that proper jolt in their morning coffee to start their day. Eighty percent of the world’s population consumes it daily and adolescents contribute largely to that statistic. College and high school students misuse the power of caffeine by consuming large quantities in forms such as coffee, energy drinks, and alertness tablets to pull “all-nighters,” finish workloads assigned by professors. They are also using caffeine “chasers” with alcoholic beverages

  • Caffeine and Its Effects

    1696 Words  | 4 Pages

    Caffeine can be found in almost every drink you can buy in stores. People who consume caffeine usually drink it because of the positive effects it has on them, but they do not realize the harm they are causing their bodies with the caffeine they are putting into them. There are some issues involved with having caffeine on an everyday basis, which include withdrawals symptoms insomnia, dehydration, feelings of fatigue, cardiovascular side effects and health risks when pregnant. People should watch

  • Caffeine Addiction

    1571 Words  | 4 Pages

    Millions of Americans begin each day by consuming the most widely used drug in the United States: Caffeine. Over 90% of United States adults consume caffeinated food or beverages on a daily basis and over 50% take more than the recommended amount. Our innocent daily ritual can turn into an addiction for some because many do not realize that caffeine is even a drug let alone the effects it can have on their bodies. Its use it becoming more and more prominent in our society. It’s not uncommon to walk

  • Analysis of Caffeine

    860 Words  | 2 Pages

    Caffeine is a stimulant that most people are familiar with. Most typically we connect it with coffee and sodas, but it is also found in certain foods, such as chocolate. The amount of caffeine will vary within coffee brands and in different chocolate bars, but through analytical methods we can determine an amount in each. We can then compare the results to find whether there is more caffeine in chocolate or in coffee. For this experiment I will give a brief overview of caffeine, theobromine, coffee

  • The Secrets of Caffeine

    1671 Words  | 4 Pages

    Most people aren’t aware that caffeine can act as a stimulant to the central nervous system. So once someone consumes a caffeinated beverage they may begin to notice a slight change in the way their body begins to feel. Caffeine can be found in many different places such as energy drinks, coffee, candy and also in other common beverages and over the counter medications. Caffeine can have major side effects on those who consume it on a regular routine, but caffeine can also have side effects on those

  • Caffeine Essay

    1137 Words  | 3 Pages

    Caffeine, also known as methyltheobromine, is a central nervous system stimulant that humans consume on a daily basis. Found in coffee, tea, and other caffeinated beverages, caffeine has many side effects. While caffeine can make the consumer feel more alert, there are health concerns such as dependence and hypertension. Caffeine has a specific chemical structure that enables it to be absorbed easily into the stomach and intestines. It is derived from purines, and is hydrophobic, which allows easy

  • Caffeine as a Drug

    2842 Words  | 6 Pages

    relaxing in the afternoon over a cup of tea, all have similar ingredient caffeine. Caffeine has been consumed ever since the 2700 BC, with its conjunction in tea, for the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung. In 575 AD, the first use of coffee beans where in Africa where it was used as currency and food. Even more today, caffeine consumption has become an integral part of millions of people's daily lives. According to David Weaver, "Caffeine and theophylline are among the most widely consumed neuroactive substances

  • Caffeine Essay

    713 Words  | 2 Pages

    Caffeine and coffee are a daily part of life for most people in modern society. The discovery of the coffee bean is said to have been in Ethiopia, when a sleepy eyed goat herder noticed his goats eating red berries, he then noticed the effect it had on them as they jumped and danced around him. He then tasted the berries and his eyes opened wide, he took them to the local village who also liked it and in particular the monks who used the berries to keep them awake during meditation. The first documented

  • Caffeine Experiment

    1107 Words  | 3 Pages

    Introduction: Caffeine is one of man’s most successful discoveries dating back to the 13th century. Although its origins are not completely clear, we see the impacts of its use down to the 21st century. From local cafes and restaurants to school and fast food chains, the evidence is relative that coffee is truly everywhere in our society. One of coffees many uses was that it had the ability to make its consumers feel more ready to start the day. However, does caffeine really affect our moods and

  • Caffeine and Anxiety

    505 Words  | 2 Pages

    departments of psychiatry and neuroscience at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine says, “People often see coffee, tea, and soft drinks simply as beverages rather than vehicles for a psychoactive drug. But caffeine can exacerbate anxiety and panic disorders.” How, you may ask. Caffeine works by blocking the depressant function of a chemical ca...

  • Caffeine Essay

    945 Words  | 2 Pages

    INTRODUCTION ‘Caffeine is a naturally occurring compound also called Trimethylxanthine.’ (Cavellier, 2014). Caffeine is also a stimulant drug, a drug, which temporarily accelerates various vital processes. Caffeine is commonly found in beverages such as soft drinks and coffee, but it can also be found in coco beans and many other plants. The Kola nuts, for examples are used to, produce the Coca Cola flavour and is also used and found in medicines. Numerous people rely on caffeine as an effective

  • Caffeine in Athletics

    1981 Words  | 4 Pages

    Caffeine in Athletics The world’s most popular drug is legal, inexpensive, and believed to amplify workouts. It supposedly motivates athletes and helps them stay alert and focused while also boosting physical endurance by twenty to fifty percent. This stimulant is found naturally in sixty-three plants and is consumed by eighty percent of Americans. This white, bitter, crystalline substance is known as caffeine, and is commonly consumed in efforts to enhance athletic ability (http://gopher1

  • Caffeine In Blackworms

    652 Words  | 2 Pages

    the highest amount of caffeine consumption in the world. This chemical compound is known to have many affects on our bodies, primarily in our hearts. Caffeine has been shown to increase blood pressure and heart rate. However, as far as scientists know, the affects of caffeine may affect invertebrates differently than it affects vertebrates. The present experiment studied blackworms - Lumbriculus variegatus in the phylum Annelida- in solutions with different amounts of caffeine to see if it affected

  • Is Caffeine A Drug?

    541 Words  | 2 Pages

    their day. This is due to caffeine, which many Americans believe to be a reliable source of energy and alertness. The question is, is caffeine a drug? It most certainly is, it is not a naturally occurring substance in the human body, and has undeniable effects on it. Caffeine is defined as a drug because it changes how your body works. It has a stimulating effect on the brain and nervous system, the heart and circulatory system, and the stomach and intestines (“Caffeine”, Debenedette, July 1996,

  • Caffeine Report

    1139 Words  | 3 Pages

    Improvement of aerobic exercise after acute caffeine consumption Introduction Caffeine as a member of the methylxanthine class, is a central nervous system stimulant which can suppress the effect of adenosine on adenosine receptors in nerve tissues and consequently reduces the drowsiness induced by adenosine. (Nehlig et al., 1992) Caffeine is the most commonly used psychoactive substance as unlike most methylxanthines, not only can it be legally obtained, it also remains unregulated. Current studies

  • Caffeine Essay: Does One Drink Caffeine?

    886 Words  | 2 Pages

    Does one drink caffeine? Caffeine is everywhere, it's in everything, it's apart of our daily lives. That’s what people doesn’t realizes; every soda drink, every cup of coffee, and every energy drink he or she gulps down before a thrilling game, all of that is caffeine. Caffeine is only completed when he or she get addicted. Caffeine can be an exceptional threat to the human body; energy drinks for example, it has enough caffeine to kill someone if he or she drinks enough. Energy drinks has been

  • Informative Essay On Caffeine

    1154 Words  | 3 Pages

    Caffeine is one of the most popularly used psychoactive substance across the globe, easily found in various products in significant amounts, like coffee, tea, cola drinks and so on. The role of caffeine and its effects on one’s health can be described simply by the word, ‘psychoactive’. This drug, mostly consumed for its positive effects like increasing alertness and boosting one’s energy has gained much popularity amongst various generations, from adults to children. The most commonly used form

  • Caffeine Persuasive Essay

    791 Words  | 2 Pages

    Many athletes use caffeine to gain a competitive edge, is it worth the risk? When using caffeine, there are many inconvenient side effects. Caffeine can increase the risk of dehydration. Another more serious risk of pairing exercise and caffeine is the possibility of reaching too high of a heart rate. Using caffeine to boost your performance is unrealistic and inefficient. Athletes should avoid the use of caffeine due to the negative effects on their personal health and physical performance. Although

  • Caffeine And Coffee Drinks

    1363 Words  | 3 Pages

    Caffeine Addictive Drug or Common Drink? Caffeine, commonly found in coffee and many other beverages, and containing certain chemicals compounds leading to the constant necessity of fidgeting, jitters, sleepless hours, and health hazards as though being tormented by a hobgoblin with the irresistible sweet aroma and multiple flavors trapping you into a path, not being able to truly quit as desired or consequences attached, but is it the world’s most used legal drug addiction or something enjoyable