College: The Negative Effects Of Working In College

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College Students Managing Time

Being a college student alone can be stressful enough, but attending college while working a job can be quite stressful in some cases. College itself is not too bad and working a job typically isn 't ridiculous, but unfortunately most students have to attempt both if they wish to further their education. Usually students who juggle both are not doing it for fun. Attempting both at the same time, can become a very stressful life with lots of negative effects. There are two major negative effects of working while in college, however, there is one positive effect working while in college. The two adverse effects that most college students who work are dealing with is struggling to maintaining grades, with the possibility of dropping out and learning to function on a low amount of sleep. The one positive effect of working a job while in college is that the student becomes very prepared for the future.

First of all, working a job and attending college classes can put a lot of stress on a student. This can greatly affect their grade performance because it can be too much at times. "Much of the research indicating that …show more content…

Working a job while in college can give a student great time management skills. The years of work experience can also lead the student to being successful to getting another job and having good business skills. Research has shown that working less than 20 hours can actually help give a student an edge in college when compared to a student who does not work at all. "Part-time jobs seem to improve academic performance. Research shows students who work no more than 20 hours a week have higher grades and are more likely to graduate college than both those who don 't work at all and those who put in too many hours." Having a job can greatly help out with future financial issues as

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