My passion for video games started a when I got my very own console a couple of years ago. I’ve always loved video games but never had my own console, which didn’t let me completely experience video games. I remember I had been planning and saving money for months. My anticipation was building day after day as I saved more and more money. Then the day finally came when I received my console, I rushed home to the thing I had been working hard to get all year. As soon as I got to my house, I ran to my room and plugged my console in. As I started my first game, my joy and excitement were at their peak. Title screen came up and drew me in blocking me from the outside world. I played for hours as the game kept surprising me with twists and turns like a suspenseful movie would. The world was absolutely stunning with vibrant and bright colors covering the virtual world with its beauty. As I played more and more video games my love for them grew immensely. In school I kept wondering what I was going to major in after high school. So as time went on I finally decided to sit down and think, I told myself that I wanted to do something that would make me happy. I don’t want to be stuck at some white collar office desk job or perform back breaking labor for a small amount of money. So I’ve decided after high …show more content…
When I earn enough money, I will get a bunch of people together to build our own company. I still haven’t figured out a name for my company, but I’m sure it will be amazing. As a company, my group of experts and I will make the best high quality games everybody can enjoy. Constantly growing, my company will branch out to work with the other video game companies, uniting everybody, to make the perfect game. Maybe, I might even start my own school of Game Design, Development, and Art, so anybody can have the opportunity to pursue a dream of being a game
Video games are much more than just a way to pass time. It is an opportunity to experience new people and social environments, find out interests and skill sets, and to also, in an extreme case, find a career like Markiplier has done. In short I just wanted to say that I wouldn’t be where I am with my goals today if it weren’t for Markiplier’s ability to make his fans see his support of their dreams and the highlight of the most important things in reaching your goals of which include taking chances, believing in yourself, and never giving up. In the words of Mark, “never give up, no matter what may set you back, and know that at the end of the road, you’re going to have something that you can be proud of.” Don’t stop until you’re where you want to be, and even then just keep moving
My small, sweaty palms griped the cold fence as I looked on nervously at my brother’s baseball game. I was waiting for the final out of the game so that I could run onto the field and around the bases as I did after every game. As a young child, my parents were always searching for something to keep me entertained. I was a bubbly child with an endless amount of energy. Being that I was the only girl amongst four boys, I was always electrified in their presence. I wanted to be involved in all their wrestling, running and playing. Being the type of child who loved to play, I would stay outside until I was forced to come in. I would run along the dimly lit street, making up my own games and making new friends. Even when I got older, my energy did not fade. At
Video games started as arcade machines with simple graphics and even simpler stories, soon evolving into home gaming with The Magnavox Odyssey, the world’s first home-gaming console. It invaded living rooms in 1972, selling 300,000 units. Since then there has been many consoles and games released, some have been huge commercial successes which
In my life, I had not had the chance to be a part of something that influenced me much, until I joined football my freshman year in high school. Joining football was perhaps the most devoted and wisest thing that I did because shortly after joining I began to see changes for the better, and from then I saw the person that I wanted to be in the future. In other words, it shaped the person that I am today and will be for the rest of my life. Not only did the sport influence me but it also equipped me with a new mindset that affects me today in my decision making skills, time management and many other beneficial life virtues. I believe that these virtues will bring me success in the nearest future because I feel confident about myself and I feel more in control in my life through my actions, all thanks to simply joining what seemed to be a “regular” extracurricular.
Sundays were always the best day as a kid. No matter the time, the sun always looked as if it was evening, and ready to give a blanket of warm radiance. In my room, I had a small twelve inch television I would play video games on. My favorite video game to play was Munches Odyssey; however, it was my sisters, so I had to play when she was gone. She didn’t like my player her videos, but she was always skiing on Sundays meaning I went for the gold! I spent hours sitting in front of that television playing video games; however, some say this is was a problem.
Guns blazing, roaring sounds of an engine, monsters waging war against men, aliens striking fear into people’s hearts, and a day dragons rule the world. I deal with all of these thing daily; playing as a hero or a monster it’s just I love to do these things. I always have loved playing videogames pretty much my entire life. I’ve always thought it would have been cool to actually get to make my own and I still think it is. This is my story about how me and a good friend have decided to all work on a videogame together and how I’ve decided I want to do it for the rest of my life.
Video games have come a long way. They have evolved from the simple game of Pong into a complex, multi-platform, multi-genre, multi-billion dollar industry.
This interest never left me, it just grows and keep growing. After finishing high school, I was so interested in pursuing my tertiary education with something computer related and I had studied Diploma in Computer Science. It was a very great exposure towards the computer systems. During my studies, like everyone else I never forget my console and games. Play Station 3, Play Station Portable and even I had joined Garena Online to battle with other gamers around Asia. Well, not many of them were girls so I just kept my identity with some kind of...
3. “Video Games” by Chris Jozefowics. Published by Gareth Stevens Publishing 2010. Pleasantville, NY 10570-70000 USA. Produced by Editorials Directions Inc.
Should Video Games be Qualified as a Sport? By Austin Blaylock English 4:Mr. Steve Rivas March 13th, 2018 Reviewed by Faizal Sidek Workshop 2 Reviewed by Scott Flukinger shop 3-4 Abstract:This paper explores 5 articles that explain how video games could be considered a sport. Thesis Statement: Video gaming is becoming very popular, and professionals are being paid millions to play against other teams, it is even becoming a sport.
Although I've never actually understood why, I've always felt drawn toward the aid of others. In some ways, I feel it stems from a compassion gained from my own experiences. I know what it feels like to be in need and how powerful it is to be lifted up by another person. I’ve seen that kind of humility in other people, as they’ve inspired me, enlightened me, and empowered me at times I needed it most; I’ve always hoped to be that light for another person, even in the smallest ways. In turn, I also know what it’s like to be burdened by solitude in times of hardship.
I was born and raised in a family of educators. I am the youngest in my nuclear family. My father is an Industrial Engineer and my mother is a 4th grade Reading and Language Arts teacher. I have one older brother and one older sister. However, I am the only one of my parent’s children who has a child of their own.
Video games have been around about 50 years and they contribute a big part of the U.S. economy. People interact with video games every day throughout different ways, such as cell phone devices, computers, consoles or whatever which has a screen on it. In fact, it has always affected people’s lives. However, not so many people understand the benefits of video games. With video games, people can not only relieve themselves from stress and suffering, but it also improves people’s social experiences while they are exchanging and absorbing knowledge with other people; more than that, people can learn many other things from video games which can help them to achieve great things in lives.
The world of video games is a jungle, a wild world. Many games convey and hold different defining traits as those of an animal. Wither I want to rush though a game, take my time, or even ----.
The experience of game play can be described as an activity in which the player is virtually embodied in the game world. Anyone who has experienced the world of gaming knows how the engaging experience can manifest itself with “sweaty palms and chills down the spine” ( when coming face-to-face with alien creatures; or with the adrenaline rush we get when racing a high speed automobile head-to-head with a friend. Gaming is an excellent source of entertainment. It provides an opportunity for social growth, provides a meaningful form of exploring expression, and provides heightened sensitivity.