How Do Video Games Affect My Life

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Videogames Are My Life Guns blazing, roaring sounds of an engine, monsters waging war against men, aliens striking fear into people’s hearts, and a day dragons rule the world. I deal with all of these thing daily; playing as a hero or a monster it’s just I love to do these things. I always have loved playing videogames pretty much my entire life. I’ve always thought it would have been cool to actually get to make my own and I still think it is. This is my story about how me and a good friend have decided to all work on a videogame together and how I’ve decided I want to do it for the rest of my life. It was my sophomore year during the second semester when all my friends and I got together to make the videogame. We all got together really easily because we were all pretty much friends so we really came together easily. We were all gamers that played a lot of games and the thought of being a videogame designers have probably crossed all of you minds at one point in time. On the videogame it was just me working on it by myself but then one of my friends named Dylan came along and we were just talking having fun like normal and we really talked about everything then I brought up the videogame I was making. “Hey Dylan I’m working on a videogame and I want to know what you think about it”, is what I told him …show more content…

So I started to pull it up on my computer why I talked about some of it to him and we were talking about what videogames are missing and what would be a cool idea for one. Dylan and me go back over some of my work and were talking about it the whole time and he really got into it the same I do so we exchanged ideas back in forth then I decided that I should ask him if he wants to also be my partner on this since we both are really into this. He said yes to being my

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