Collaborative Relationship Reflective Report

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I also hold respect as one of my core values. When facilitating collaborative relationships, we must respect those who we are collaborating with. As you stated, "To achieve this competency, leaders need to connect colleagues and reflect on their impact on their coworkers and how to improve the overall work environment." When connecting with others, revering their thoughts, opinions and who they are is crucial in generating a successful collaborative relationship. I believe that trust is the building block of all relationships but, it takes time to create. Without trust, there is no a relationship, it simply cannot work. I think one of the most paramount parts of facilitating collaborative relationships is reflection. As stated, it is important …show more content…

As you discussed, it is something all leaders should attempt to achieve. As we conferred in a previous module, reflective practices help you give clear and concise expectations. When colleagues are aware of what is precisely expected of them, it creates a more ethical work environment while sanctioning them to successfully achieve the goal. I also feel that modeling reflection as a leader and as a teacher will show students and colleagues how important it is to be connected to yourself as well as others. I love that you brought up interpersonal effectiveness. The support of colleagues goes along with respecting them. It fosters effective communication and helps to build critical relationships within the work environment (Teacher Leadership Competencies, 2014). How could be facilitate personal and interpersonal effectiveness as a leader? This could possibly be done by ensuring a structured discussion during meetings and professional developments, ensuring that the outcome we desire is visible and known. We can also ensure that we listen to our colleagues, providing them with feedback but, being open to the opinions and suggestions of others. What do you

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