As I read through the power point presentations for the week, it easily me reminds of the powerful phrase "Circle of Trust". The phrase maybe very simple, but it does have a profound meaning connected with it. Palmer in his book, A Hidden Wholeness “the circle of trust" is not really only about comfortable and familiar relationships that occurs between family, people that you love and friends but also the relationships that you create or build within all space of their lives. The space could be your own personal life, your vocational life or cultural interaction within the community. "A circle of trust can form wherever two or three are gathered—as long as those two or three known how to create and protect a space for the soul" …show more content…
West in his book, Race Matters, he talks about the strained and damaged relationships between our society and the black race. In the book he also indicated that if humans is able and willing to find a common place in their own hearts to accept, to forgive and progression perhaps the chances for a circle of trust can begin to shape. “We have to recognize that there cannot be relationships unless there is commitment, unless there is loyalty, unless there is love, patience, persistence” (West, 1994). The whole idea is to structure an atmosphere to create compassion, accept other difference and mutual respect regardless of the ethnic or culture as this may help strengthen and broaden the circle of trust. He went further to say how importance this is and how important this is for us all as human because we are all valued s human beings, we have all win as a society. "The greatest intellectual, moral, political, and spiritual resources in America that may renew the soul and preserve the future of American democracy reside in this multiracial, rich democratic heritage" (West, 2005). Boer, in his book, living into Focus, he states that our society as whole, our lives is filled with so …show more content…
Which end up serving our gadgets instead of using them as tools to support our priorities. Technology itself becomes the center and purpose of how we live” (Boers, 2012). The studies conducted by these writers and the subsequent life analysis, culture and family has giving me the opportunity to self-analyze and reflect. I am now more than ever aware of the great role that my family plays in my daily interactions with everyone. I was raise in Christian background and the moral values that was instilled in me as a child help guide my daily actions. I was thought to be very honest and to treat all the way I want to be treated. People has said to me many time, Whoa, David and are very nice, humble and genuine but that is part of my ethical framework and did not something that I continually working at. My parents are my and will continue to be my great example In my everyday life, my parents have and continue to be an example of what it is to have circles of trust. Growing up, they always reminded me that I was a reflection of them and that statement has capable individuals, learn to dismiss the fear of attachment and overcome their disillusioned youths.
Some values that my family has instilled in me is that, they help me get through a lot of things in I need help or if I am having trouble with some things. In his family they gave him courage and strength because
Human nature is not bound by the mind but is shown through the heart in friendship.
The fundamental ability to form relationships with attachment involved, is truly indispensable in terms of forming and having proper human social relationships. One emotion that is extremely important to have in order to take part of these important types of relationships include: trust. Trust is extremely important for various reasons. It is “truly indispensable” in friendship, love, families and organizations. Trust- which pervades human societies, plays a key role in important endeavors in various dimensions of life; these dimensions include economic exchange as well as certain parts of politics. The need for trust in these examples along with others are crucial for various reasons; which include the issues that come with exhibiting lack of trust in particular situations. For example: in absence of trust among trading partners, market transaction will be much more likely to breakdown. In the absence of trust in a country’s institution and leader relationships, political legitimacy is also much more likely to break down. (Kosfeld, 2005) Research has indicated that trust plays a major roll in economic, political, and social types of success.
...what one does. God hopes that everyone lives a good, generous life. Everyone should perform actions from their hearts, because if one is forced to do something it is not love. For instance, throughout life one is taught that being there for the other or a friend is something that is out of love and is the significance of friendship. Everyone should be friends with the poor, get to know them, and lend a helping hand.
family had a great influence in my life. They always helped me to make good choices, or made me laugh
Gurtman, M. B. (1992b). Trust, distrust, and interpersonal problems: A circumplex analysis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 62, 989-1002.
From the age of 5 to 11 I was raised by my grandparents. They were a couple who worked hard through Depression Era and maintained that mentality throughout their lives. They were loving, yet hard in the manner that they raised me. In this way they taught me respect, moral ethics, the value of hard work and achievement, the value of education, and ritual and tradition. (TCOXXX)
Having the chance to grow up surrounded by my whole family, groomed me into being the person I am today. The morals instilled in me was to always be
What made me into the person I am today? I have asked myself this question many times before, yet it all leads back to the same concept. In fact, I came to the conclusion that it is simply a summarization of our developing years. For example, some of our biggest influences, especially in those years, are our parents and friends. Our parents help shape us into the people we are today and, in most cases, we share the same values as them. In addition, our friends are also part of the reason we are who we are. They are the first group of people we interact with and whether we mean to or not, we try to imitate them as much as we can. As a result, the three values of my personal culture that make me into who I am are respect, work ethic, and joy.
Holmes and Rempel looked at the different issues people had with trusting their partner. The participants had to go through a couple of different tests to see how trust issues interfered with the relationships they shared. This research goes over how an individual gains trust and how certain factors can affect it. An individual?s personal experiences could even affect a relationship they share. They may have gotten traumatized before. This also shows how one person in a relationship trusts their partner, and then how another set of participants in another relationship have problems.
human values as he also states, “We have to make a special effort to think of each other as
Trust vs. Mistrust is the stage were children are completely dependent upon their parents. According to Erik Erikson, the American psychologist that created the theory of psychosocial development, he believes that the trust versus mistrust stage is the most important stage in a person’s life. My mother and father obviously took great care of me, because I’m alive today. They took care of all my basic needs. They feed me when I was hungry and changed me when I soiled myself. They also bathed and clothed me. I depended on them for everything, for food, nutrition, comfort, love and affection and my parents provided it all. My parents provided all that I needed for this stage in my life. During this stage, I developed
with each other, working in agreement for the good of the person as a whole. In
There were many instances in my life that have shaped my values, intellect, and academic or career goals. I was raised by my parents to become a hard worker, independent, and caring young adult. I was taught how to be all these qualities by a combination of experiencing and witnessing them first hand.