Cold War

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World War II terminus served as an overture to a postwar bipolar system which embraced both United States and the Soviet Union in a severe, extensive rivalry that lasted four decades: The Cold War.
In 1947, two years after World War II ended, The United States proposed the Marshall Plan for European economic recovery. The Soviet Union did not like the Marshall Plan, and acknowledged an open conflict against The United States of America vowed to resist the threat of new wars and imperialist expansion by the United States. This confrontation drew the future not just of The United States of America and the Soviet Union, but the future of newly independent, nearly independent, and strategically located states around the globe.
The massive competition between United States and the Soviet Union was both inversely proportionated as redundant, which means that both nations were claiming the expansion of the other while they expanded themselves. United States claimed that the Soviet Union was spreading Communism among world’s nations while the Soviet Union was arguing American intervention in other country´s affairs in order to promote its imperialism.
In 1947, United States and the Soviet Union did not just declared the beginning of the Cold War, au contraire, they declared the creation of a new world order at which countries had to be aligned with one or the other. Neutrality was practically impossible, especially for those nations who took advantage of European weakness in order to declare their path to independence. The overriding concern in Washington and Moscow was maximizing their influence in Europe, but at the same time they started to look far beyond European countries to recruit new friends and establish strategic alliances.

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...eployed from Japan to Korea to resist the invasion; he actually considered the possibility to strike the Soviet Union if the happen to participate directly in the conflict.
Simultaneously with the Korean War burst, The Soviet Union was boycotting the council meetings, in protest over the refusal of UN Security Council to transfer a permanent seat from the Republic of China (Taiwan) to the People’s Republic of China. But what United Nations did instead, was to publish a resolution were UN recommends members states to support Korea militarily. Therefore, U.S. General McArthur reversed the invasion to the north by the end of the summer, and he reached the north to Chochiwon. American troops were advancing to Yalu River and Chinese territory. In December 1950, the unexpected appearance of Chinese troops reversed the course of the war again, driving UN forces southward.

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