Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

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The Nature of People

When it comes to the nature of people I believe that we are what we want to become. This means that it does not matter what life changing or negative event may have had an impact in your life it is your choice how you let it affect you. I believe we have the ability and resilience to overcome these stressors and change the outcome of our lives. I believe that if we change our outlook on life we will be able to change our life as a whole. For this exact reason I believe Cognitive behavior therapy fits best with my beliefs. Cognitive behavioral therapy is grounded in the belief that it is a person’s perception of events, rather than the events themselves, that determine how he or she will feel and act. For example, if a …show more content…

Cognitive-behavioral therapy can also effectively treat sleep disorders and psychotic disorders. Cognitive-behavioral therapy has proven to create noticeable change in brain activity. These results have helped establish cognitive-behavioral therapy as one of the most trusted methods for improving healthy brain function in individuals who suffer from involuntary negative behaviors, self-limiting beliefs, or debilitating fears. Cognitive-behavioral therapy requires real interaction between the therapist and the patient. Cognitive-behavioral therapy may include homework assignments, carrying the therapy outside the therapist’s office and into real life. In addition, cognitive-behavioral therapy patients may be asked to write down thoughts as they occur. Creating an awareness of these so called automatic thoughts is the first step towards learning to change thought patterns and the behaviors they …show more content…

Such beliefs can result in problematic behaviors that can affect numerous areas within our life including family, relationships, work and academics. For example, a person suffering from low self-esteem might experience negative thoughts about his or her own abilities or appearance. As a result of these negative thinking patterns, the individual might make certain decisions to avoid social interactions or pass up opportunities for promotions at work or at school. In order to contest these damaging thoughts and behaviors the therapist begins by helping the client identify these problematic beliefs.
A type of Cognitive-Behavioral therapy created by Albert Ellis called Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy points out that irrational patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving are the cause of much human disturbance, including depression and anxiety. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy teaches that turning flexible preferences into ambitious or grandiose demands and commands will cause disturbances. This Therapy holds that an irrational belief system has strong tendencies to lead to self-defeating components such as; demands, awfulizing, low frustration tolerance, people rating, and

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