Cognitive Behavior Therapy Theory And Postmodern Approach

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This paper covers a personal view concerning theories of counseling. Personal beliefs about human nature are also discussed and a balance of life and self-awareness is identified as being one of the most important aspects to human change. It is identified that change only occurs when an individuals’ conditions are altered. Conditions are unable to change without a person first obtaining insight and taking action towards making change happen. Personal theoretical orientation is also discussed. Establishing a positive relationship with a client and examining countertransference is noted along with personal beliefs on how to assess a clients needs. Two crisis intervention models are reviewed and discussed in accordance to personal theoretical …show more content…

Instead I feel that combining multiple theoretical frameworks, by subtracting and adding variants, helps my understanding of how human nature and change works. The theories that I have adopted are the Gestalt theory, Adlerian theory, Cognitive Behavior Therapy theory, and Postmodern Approaches. The Gestalt theory is based on the premise that change cannot occur until one reaches self-awareness. Self-awareness requires a person to have insight into what they want, why they want it, and how to obtain it. Diener and Srull states that self-awareness is necessary for personal development and responsibility (Diener &Srull, 1975). Vogel and Wester found that in order for a client to engage in self-awareness activities, they must first begin by self-disclosing. I mention this because self-disclosure is an extension of self-awareness and it is highly beneficial to decreasing distressing feelings and getting rid of avoidance factors (Vogel & Wester, 2003). From these studies and the research conducted on Gestalt theory, I believe that self-awareness and the events leading up to it is an important aspect of treatment. On the opposing side to Gestalt therapy, I do not like how it lacks in educating clients. I believe that in order to effectively treat, education must also be present. Educating a client helps them learn how to change in both the present and future, thus reducing regression. I also believe that in order to achieve change all aspect of a person should be treated. An individual is made up of many different facets therefore, using the idea of Adlerian Theory, helps me understand the importance of treating the person as a whole, and not just the parts that are broken. I find that Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) theory best addresses ways in which the whole person can be treated so that change can be achieved through behavior modification. People are always adapting and changing due to

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