Classification Essay: Three Types Of Bad Drivers

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Three Types of Bad Drivers Driving is a privilege for anyone who drives. Driving can be fun, or it can be a nightmare. Driving has been around for many years in America. Each person in America learns how to drive at least once in his or her life. Driving in America is very common in this century because of the advancement of technology and the boom of the auto industry. There are more cars on the road today than any other time in American history. In fact, the commute to work for most American drivers consists of at least an hour or two each day. In general, most states allow people to drive without someone else in the car around the age of sixteen. Needless to say, without a doubt, this is not always a wise decision. There are many different types of bad drivers around, but I have three that are terrible to me. The three types of bad drivers are aggressive, texting, and inattentive drivers. The first, type of bad driver is the aggressive driver. An aggressive driver is a very impatient driver that cares about only him or herself. Aggressive drivers switch lanes without a using their signal light and honks uncontrollably. As a matter of fact, I once saw an aggressive driver one morning on my way to work that was speeding and running people off the road. …show more content…

Texting drivers are always looking at their cell phones and being distracted by trying to text while driving. I had a friend once named Jamie, who always would text and drive during traffic. Fortunately, she became involved in a minor traffic accident and realized that those messages could indeed wait. A study in America shows that most auto deaths occurred during texting and driving. Consequently, texting and driving have killed more people now than drinking and driving. As a result, individuals who text while driving, in some states, are fined, or even arrested for texting and

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