Teen Drivers Research Paper

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Getting a driver’s license can be the most exciting part of a teens life. But what do teens have to do beforehand in order to obtain that license? For some, it's months of training and for others, they can complete everything within a few months. But does all that training make teens better drivers? The three main reasons why more drivers education for teens is not beneficial are: restrictions for teen drivers make it harder on parents, teens have to be able to get around without their parents, and not all teens need more drivers education. Drivers education has been around for a few decades now. But, it is safe to say that it is not as relaxed as it used to be. Times have changed and with that comes higher safety standards. Therefore, there …show more content…

As expected, most if not all teens will disagree with that. But there are some safe teen drivers that are thrown into the bad teen driving category just because they are a teenager that drives. If there are some good teen drivers, then do all teens really need more drivers education? Samantha Williams is a senior at Winchester Community High School that has an answer to this question. “I do consider myself to be a safe driver. I’m always aware of my surroundings when I’m driving, and I always stay away from any distractions” (Question 1). She is intentionally aware of her surroundings and stays focused while driving. The government should not make more regulations and rules for all teen drivers when there are many teen drivers like Samantha on the roads. There are even some adults that believe not all teen drivers are bad drivers. Gregory explains, “ The teen driving issues are not about age and maturity as they are about making good choices and demonstrating exceptional behavior, whether they start that driving experience at 16, 17, or 18” (1). Many teens and parents seem to think the government has not made the best decisions recently when it comes to …show more content…

The traumatic horror stories of teens texting and driving have scared families across the nation with the tragic results it can have. Savage elaborates on the rule stating, “ Maine and New Jersey recognize that young drivers talking on their cell phones are not focused on the road, which led the aforementioned states to outlaw it for drivers under the age of 21” (3). Being on your cell phone while driving should be outlawed for everyone because it is dangerous no matter what age you are. Therefore, I support states that put restrictions on cell phone usage while operating vehicles. Although, saying “under the age of 21” is referring to teens which implies that all teens text and drive or have the tendency to. We already know that not all teens text and drive based on what we know about Samantha. Therefore, I do believe that they are jumping on the bandwagon that thinks all teens text and

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