Cialdini's Influence: The Psychology Of Persuasion

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I am being taken: Cialdini Robert Cialdini is a 71 year old professor of psychology and a graduate research professor at Arizona State University. His book “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” has sold over a quarter of a million copies on psychology of persuasion. The book is about how people can shape someone to achieve their goals, it also includes six key terms; reciprocity, consistency and commitment, likability, authority, social proof, scarcity. Cialdini’s phrase “I am being taken” is the most well known remark from his book. In Cialdini’s study he focused on showing various means of influence and persuasion, which people use unconsciously or consciously everyday. His main theme was, how to say “no” when we realize that the “best offer” is not good enough? Accordingly, the art of persuasion and influence other people can largely reduce …show more content…

Often times we like a person for reasons totally unconcious, or biologically preprogrammed, such as with looks. In these cases we must analyze how much we do like the person. Once we estimate how much we like the person you must compare that to just how long you have known the person, and how genuine is your relationship. “people prefer to say yes to individuals they know and like. These five concepts are used:Physical attractiveness--is one feature of a person that often may help to create some influence. Similarity, we like people who are like us and are more willing to say yes to their requests, often without much critical consideration. Praise, enhances liking and can be used as a means to gain compliance. Increased familiarity, repeated contact with a person or thing. A final factor linked to Liking is association. By associating with products or positive things--those who seek influence frequently share in a halo effect by association” (Polinsky 1) All of these concepts contribute to liking someone or

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