Analysis Of Unresisted Persuasion

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Chapter 1: Open Your Eyes
Key Concept – Unresisted persuasion
Summary – It is quite difficult to avoid any persuasive acts while resisting them at the same time. Being prepared with knowledge of how easy it is to be manipulated, controlled, seduced, etc. allows us to open up to the use of rhetoric.

Chapter 2: Set Your Goal
Key Concept – Distinguish between an argument and a fight
Summary – In an argument you are attempting in persuasion to change the audience’s mood, mind or their willingness to act. In a fight you are focused on beating your opponent rather than winning over the audience. It is important when in the midst of an argument you know exactly what you want by the end of it.

Chapter 4: Soften Them Up
Key Concept – The persuasive …show more content…

Engaging your audience in comfort will help prevent anger and get you to persuade them more easily. By keeping it simple, empowering, and getting them to smile, you will be much more successful.

Chapter 12: Persuade on Your Terms
Key Concept – Define the situation into your favor
Summary – It can be very useful when things do not tend to fall your way by then switching things up on your opponent and using their most positive words in order to make it look negative. Every argument needs facts and if that does not work for you, you should probably redefine the issue being made. The importance and relevance of the argument should be taken into consideration. Remember that manipulating the definition of things in your favor is the way to go.

Chapter 14: Spot Fallacies
Key Concept – Using logic as your shield
Summary – There are seven logical sins but the main three comes down to bad proof, bad conclusion, and disconnect between proof and conclusion. We all are bound to mistakes, especially during an argument, but it is very important to detect fallacies and understand how to get out of them if we wish to use them because it can damage the persuasion left on the

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