Christianity And Psychodynamic Approach To Family Ministry

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The structure of a family is essential to understand certain concepts in Christianity. "If we had no concept of family relationships, we would have difficulty understanding such basic ideas as the fatherhood of God, our adoption as children of God, or fellowship with Christian brothers and sisters." Because these concepts are found in Scripture, we can also find "specific principles to apply to family ministry (such as loving and bearing with one another)." The terms used to describe a family (father, brother, etc.) are often used to describe God. This is because depicting God as our Father can mean more to a person because they understand the meaning of this word. People can understand these images because there is no other "set of human …show more content…

If there is no Christ-centered influence, the church takes the role. Therefore, experienced Christians must teach and mentor. (Titus 2) These questions, along with the rest of the eight, create the possibility of developing a family based small group that seeks to teach others to love God and make disciples. The rest of this book has a countless amount of material to create any sort of small group. The material should be focused to the family based ministry should remember the purpose of the group. Overall, the materials from this book should be able to help a person develop a small group that purposefully focuses on the objectives of the ministry. One of the most crucial steps to creating a small group is to train effective leaders, not only for this particular ministry, but future ministries. Leaders that teach other leaders should be experienced in ministry. Most likely this will be a minister at the church already. It could be the lead minister, a youth leader, an elder, or a family-life pastor. Most importantly, this leader should be someone that loves God, knows the Word, has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and is constantly prayerful. This qualities should be present for a good leader. The development of new leaders should be accomplished through discipleship that promotes spiritual

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