China's One Child Policy Essay

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In United State we get a change to choose the right of the amount children we can have, but in other country like China, they have different view of children, and how they are treated. The one child policy was intended to help control population growth in China, but it has effected adoption, the numbers of abandoned and human rights. China had always had a problem with over population. The problem of a growing population is dated when Mao Zhedong, ero when the population just over 602 million people. Mao Zedong said " That he believed that if there were more people, then there were be more Chinese worker. Then later Chinese government notice the problem feeding, clothing, housing, and employing and education numerous people. Later China came up a solution to reduce the amount of people. The government decided to created the one child policy in 1979. In China if you wanted to get married, the women must be at least 20 and men 24. The couples must have a marriage certificates and have their …show more content…

Then were does all the girls go? Chinese show that 13 million abortions are performed each year for an average rate of 35, 000 abortion per day. Abortion are very common in China. If the women decided to have second or third child without the government permission they are offend force to have abortion or sterilization and also killing of infants. In China more then half of all abortions were the result of sex selection. Because in China people perfer to have son, so if the women found out that they are having girls there are likely to have abortion so they can try to have boy or they already have a kid. Later the government decided to prohibited doctors from telling the couples the sex of their unborn child but it did not work. because the couples want to found out the gender of the baby. Some of the couple will decided to carried the babies for 9 moths but once the baby is born the parents offended try to get rid of the

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