Play Based Observation Essay

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Study Methods & Procedures
This child study report involved different approaches to observation and assessment. Play-based observation, an approach to assessment that involves observing a child in their natural environment and daily routine, was predominantly used to provide a personal report on a specific child 's development in the physical, cognitive, language/literacy, and social emotional developmental domains. Play-based learning uses a curriculum called hands on learning, "[involving] children as active participants, encouraging them to manipulate, investigate, experiment, and solve problems" (pg. 160). The goal of play-based observation, or hands-on learning, is to capture where the child is developmentally, where his strengths are …show more content…

. . to make thoughtful and appropriate decisions regarding. . . young children" (CURRICULUM pg. 18). Developmentally appropriate practice is defined in the textbook Developmental Profiles as "learning experiences that are individualized based on a child 's level of skills, abilities, and interests. Play-based observation focuses on the child himself, to learn about the individual child 's strengths, needs, and interests. Play-based learning is also developmentally appropriate for this child study report and for the child himself as it focuses on the child himself, individually and uniquely, to learn about his personality, learning style, and his individual pattern and timing of growth. Some limits of play-based observation includes bias, gaps in observation, unclear data, and lack of time. This child study report also used differentiation of instruction by changing observation tools to adjust and meet the child 's individual needs. This child study report and other studies of young children is developmentally appropriate as the observation is based on the child more than …show more content…

A parent survey was filled out and given to me so that I may obtain simple information on the child, including birthday, siblings, developmental milestones such as sitting up, first steps, and first words, and prefered hand dominance. This parent questionnaire helps to obtain background knowledge about the child being observed. This parent questionnaire was also needed as it included the signature of the parent, stating and giving permission to the me, the observer of the child. The milestones checklist was also a needed material as it helped me observe the child’s expected developmental skills and abilities at their particular age. I continuously referred back to the milestone checklist as I observed my child and interpreted my findings. For observation to be accurate and responsible it must be incorporated from multiple observation, in a variety of environments, at different times of the day. Basing your findings on one observation is not accurate or responsible because there can be many different variables involved. The use of these tools are used for young children as they provide developmental findings within their routine, environment, and uniqueness of personality and skills. These forms of assessment minimize bias and misinterpretation to avoid the use of inaccurate interpretations. These tools of assessment are also

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