Child Neglect: The Four Types Of Child Abuse

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There are many children today who are being abused! But let’s talk about what is child abuse. Child abuse and neglect is a recent act of a parent or a care taker failure to seek the needs of a child, which often leads to death. Child abuse can be in the form of serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation of a child. In this paper I will discuss the four types of child abuse, the effects of children due the abuse; statistics of child abuse for Bamberg County, and services available to/for abusive parents and/or children. There are four different types of child abuse. They are physical abuse, sexual child abuse, neglect, and emotional abuse. Physical abuse is a non-accidental infliction of physical injury to a child. Physical
A neglected child may be malnourished, always sick, or never at school. There are more children in the US that suffer from neglect than physical and sexual abuse combined. But in spite of all of this, neglect has received signicantly less attention than it should be. Neglect can be physical, medical, educational, or emotional. Medical neglect is the failure to provide necessary medical care for any child’s condition such as refusing a child access to medical care in an emergency, failing to give the child prescription medicine when needed, or ignoring all medical recommendations by physicians that regards to a treatable condition. Educational neglect is failing to enroll a child in school, allowing the child to continually miss school, deliberately interfering with the child’s educational development, or providing the necessary special classes. Education neglect can lead to a child not being able to read, do basic math, or write. Finally, emotional neglect is the failure to show any type of love towards their child. When children grow up without any love, they appear to have a struggles as they go through life such as not knowing right from wrong due to no

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