The Effects Of Child Abuse And Neglect

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Child abuse and neglect has become a growing epidemic in the world. “An estimated 702,000 children were victims of abuse and neglect in 2014” (National Statistics on Child Abuse, 2014). Abuse comes in many different forms; sexual, physical, emotional, and neglect. Childhood abuse and neglect cause both long and short term impacts on children. It also affects many aspects of their lives. It is important that this is prevented. Prevention is the only way to stop innocent children from suffering more harm. Every day a child is abused and could possibly lose his/her life. “1,825 children are abused or neglected each day in the United States” (Child Abuse Statistics, 2016). Mandated reporters do not have enough knowledge or training in the signs …show more content…

Some examples of mandated reporters are, teachers, and medical providers, daycare workers, and police officers. In the article, Preservice Teachers’ Sources of Information on Mandated Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse, they say that, “Teachers in many countries are mandated by law, professional codes, or education authorities to report child abuse and neglect, including child sexual abuse. However, teachers may not receive adequate preparation for such sensitive interventions, as preservice teacher education degrees provide very few or no compulsory courses on child protection and crucially related, lifelong health and well-being issues” (The decision-making processes adopted by rurally located mandated professional…, 2012). Child abuse is when a parent or care giver causes injury, death or emotional harm, through action or failing action, or by putting a child at serious risk of harm. There are many forms of abuse. “Of the children who experienced maltreatment, 18% suffered physical abuse and 9% suffered sexual abuse” (National Statistics on Child …show more content…

Sexual abuse comes in many forms such as, contact abuse, inappropriate sexual talk, fondling, penetration, child pornography, and more. Children who are being sexually abused will show many signs, but they will not all be the same. Physical signs of abuse are; difficulty walking or sitting, bowel problems, bleeding, bruising, pain or itching of the genital area, and a history of urinary tract infections or sexually transmitted disease. Behavioral signs of sexual abuse are, depression, anxiousness, eating disorders, aggression, poor relationships with peers, lack of confidence, declining performance in school, sexually acting out, repetitive soothing behaviors and fear of bedtime. Different children will show signs of sexual abuse in many different ways. These are just some of the signs of sexual

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