Child Abuse Essay

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The effects of child abuse can be long lasting or maybe even fatal. “The National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect estimates that 2.9 million children are abused or neglected by parents or caretakers each year” (“Child Abuse” Encarta). This fact is very disturbing to the many of us that don’t know child abuse was this common in the U.S.
There are various types of child abuse. Physical abuse, which is deliberate acts of violence that injure or may even kill a child. Sexual abuse occurs when adults use children for their sexual gratification. Emotional abuse is mostly verbal abuse. When the adult puts the children down by calling them names or just screaming at the child for no apparent reason. Another form of child abuse is Physical neglect. This type of abuse involves the parents’ failure to provide for the child’s needs. “ Among the cases of abuse reported, 52 percent involved physical abuse or emotional neglect, 24.5 percent involved physical abuse, 12.6 percent involved sexual abuse, 4.5 percent involved emotional abuse, and 17.3 percent involved other abuses, such as educational neglect or abandonment” (“Child Abuse” Encarta).
Many people have difficulty understanding why any person would want to hurt a child. “The public …show more content…

For the different types of abuse there are different effects. Some effects associated with physical abuse are a damaged self-esteem, desire to hurt ones self, poor work, running away, difficulty in building trust, and problem with relationships. A damaged self-esteem, eating disorders, and a tendency to get involved in abusive relationships are a few effects associated with emotional abuse. Some effects related with sexual abuse may be a damaged-self esteem, suicidal impulses, eating disorders, and a difficulty enjoying others and building healthy and long lasting relationships. Keep in mind that these different effects that can happen with any form of abuse this is what was

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