Chewing Gum Benefits

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Since the prehistoric, ancient Greece times, chewing gum has graduated to different variety of flavors and types, from the mastic tree with a resinous substance that is chewable. In our modern days, chewing gum was first patented in 1896 by William Semple, a dentist by profession from the state of Ohio. Today, sale and production of chewing gum are a steadily growing business.

Research shows that chewing varieties of sugarless gums, has many health benefits compared to possible disadvantages-that affects tongue, gums and teeth. All these benefits and disadvantages depend on the chewing gum context and the content ingredients of the gum.
The following are the health benefits of chewing gum:

Chewing gum health benefits

1. Breath freshener-Many
Digestive problems-Studies show that adopting a habit of constantly chewing the gum with sorbitol (artificial sweetener) is known to cause chronic diarrhea, severe weight loss and divers intestinal ailments. This condition is only eliminated, by eliminating chewing gum with sorbitol ingredients.

4. Bad for children-Studies show that children suffer severe cases of esophageal obstruction, diarrhea and constipation, as a result of swallowing chewing gum. It is a dangerous thing for children to ingest chewing gum.

5. Bad effects of sugar-Common knowledge shows that a diet with refined and excessive sugar amount is the cause of many ailments in the body, including diabetes and obesity, sugar also causes tooth decay, gum disease and cavities. This happens when teeth are coated by gum sugar, which turns destructive, when a person doesn't brush the teeth afterwards. Sugarless gum alleviates the problem.

6. Annoyance-Chewing gum is able to attract the wrath of a teacher to a student, when it is not permitted in certain context. It is bound to make cracking, loud noise, and cause annoyance to people around.

7. Jaw and Tooth issues-Studies show that constant and frequent chewing of the gum, results in tooth enamel wearing down, back of the neck discomfort and severe facial pain. It also leads to constant jaw stress

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