Case Study Of Electrolux In China

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Discuss whether AB Electrolux can compete with local Chinese consumer manufacturers. China has been an area which has shown growth in sales for Electrolux. China is often viewed as the largest market for household appliances in the world (Electrolux, 2018). China is the largest market because of the rapidly emerging middle class, and fast-paced urbanization. The Chinese middle-class are buying more and more homes, and the demand for premium appliances continues to grow. Haier Group and Midea are two domestic appliance manufactures who tend to dominate the appliance market in China. Electrolux can compete with these two companies by investing time and money into the premium market. A strong focus on the rapidly growing middle class, and focusing on selling products through large retailers will continue to contribute to Electrolux’s success in China.
Electrolux’s success can continue to grow in China, due to the …show more content…

In the sprawling urban areas, people in China simply don’t have the room that we have in other parts of the world. Research and development of products that fit the needs and lifestyle requirements of the middle-class Chinese is critical to Electrolux’s continued success in the Chinese market. Electrolux must take clues from the local companies who have remained successful for quite some time in the Chinese market, if they wish to continue their growth there.
Discuss the three leading perspectives on strategy, and how this strategy tripod influences Electrolux. Electrolux has a solid strategy focused on profitable growth. Those three strategies are: Stability and Focus, Sustainable Profitability, and Targeted Growth (Electrolux). These strategies are a key to growth, especially when entering new markets like China. Electrolux’s dedication to stability and focus is a key because they must remain stable, and focus on the

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