Can The Gospel Make A Difference In Christian Life

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What is worship really? - specifically Christian worship? What does real praise to God mean? Can the gospel show us how to deal with stress? Can it show us how to deal with stress, sorrow, hurt, and even tragedy? Can the gospel make a difference in life problems?

There are two ways to live the Christian life, especially when we experience life problems:
(1) in some form of laws, rules, principles and precepts, or
(2) in the gospel.

I've talked to a lot of people about their worship experience, and if their experience isn't what it should be, when I pry deeper I always find they don't have a true grasp of the gospel, and they are living under some form of precepts and principles. Gallop Polls says that a very high percentage of Christians …show more content…

ALL things are ours (I Cor 3:21-22). It is living in the reality of the gospel that changes our focus to God, so we can enter into true worship and praise to God. The gospel is meant to be the purpose of life. It is God's gift to us for living this life ABUNDANTLY, as Jesus says. When we live it, God makes all things better (Rom 8:28).

Living the gospel produces real worship. You can't hold it in. It flows from you. Worship is no longer something you DO, but it's just part of who you ARE as a child, and son or daughter of both. Your focus is no longer totally focused on your life problems but instead they are on giving praise to God. It is the gospel that makes this life transformation in you. Do your life problems still exist? Yes! But does the gospel help you by showing you how to deal with stress in your life problems? Yes.

Knowing the gospel, receiving it and living it makes worship become the most powerful experience imaginable. Giving praise to God becomes a lifestyle. If you click on it, the following 'digging deeper' part of this that is on my website will show that we don't worship and give praise to God FOR our life problems, but IN our life problems. There is a big

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