Urie Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory Paper

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“Ana” is an 18-year-old twelfth grader who currently lives and attends school in South Texas. Her parents are Conservative Jews who immigrated from Omsk, Russia to San Fernando Valley, California in the mid-80s. Ana is the eldest of her siblings; she has two younger brothers aged 8 and 11. She speaks fluently in Russian with her parents and brothers. Ana has spent nearly her whole life in Southern California, where she attended an ethnically diverse high school that had a large Jewish population. From the age of 10, Ana had been a part of the youth group at her temple, where she established strong and close relationships with her Jewish identity and her Jewish mentors and friends. When she was 16, Ana’s family moved from the suburbs of San Fernando Valley to a small, rural town in Texas with a population of about 8,000. Ana now attends the town’s only high school of 630 students (80% Latino and 20% white), nearly all of whom are Catholic, with a few atheists and agnostics. The only religious institutions in the small town are three churches; there are no Jewish temples within a 70-mile range. In this paper, Ana’s life will be explored through Urie Bronfenbrenner’s theory of ecological systems. This theory …show more content…

This model provided a more than adequate illustration of Ana’s life and psychological developments. Instead of viewing her growth and development through stages which mainly focus on the individual self, the ecological systems theory described Ana’s life course within the context of multiple environmental layers and the components, people, and relationships within each layer. Everything from her achievement-oriented mindset and her strong identification with her Jewish culture to her distress at her move to Texas and eventual coming-to-terms with her new life were all influenced by the various systems in which Ana

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