Emergency Care for Bone Fractures and Wounds

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A fracture is another name for a broken bone. They must be treated immediately to prevent further injury. In some situations, you may need to call for emergency help. If the person experiences heavy bleeding, the bone pierces the skin, the extremity is numb or if a bone is broken in the spine or head, call emergency services immediately. If the person is unresponsive, begin CPR if there is no pulse or breathing. While waiting for help to arrive, you can take some actions to prevent any further injury from occurring. The first step is to stop any bleeding. Next, immobilize the injured area by applying a splint, but do not try to push the bone back in place, because that will cause further injury. Apply ice packs to relieve swelling and pain, but you should wrap the ice pack in a towel. The best way to clean a cut is to run the cut under cold water, and clean it with soap and a towel. If the wound is on an area rich in blood vessels, such as the head or face, apply pressure to the area with a clean gauze or towel. Keep it in place for at least 20 to 30 minutes, and do not move the bandage, or you will risk further bleeding. It is important to know when to use a bandage. Unless the wound will be irritated by clothing, or it is in an …show more content…

This is a medical emergency, so dial 911 immediately. The first step is to check for drooping on one side of the face. Next, check if one arm is lower when trying to raise both hands. After that, see if speech is slurred or jumbled. Also, check for dizziness or numbness on one side of the body. If the person is experiencing vision problems, or has a severe headache, then it is crucial to dial emergency services immediately.A heart attack is a medical emergency, and must be treated right away. The main symptom is chest pain, and it may spread to other places. This can last for more than a few minutes, or may come and go. Nausea, numbness, and shortness of breath are other

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