Essay On Heimlich Himmler

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Heimlich Himmler was one of the main responsible persons for the holocaust. He was born in Munich on October 7, 1900 to a Roman Catholic middle-class family. His father was a teacher and his mother was a devout Roman Catholic. He had two brothers, Gebhard and Ernst. Heimlich was a good student, but struggled in athletics. He had poor health with lifelong stomach complaints as a child. In 1915, Himmler began training with the Landshut Cadet Corps. He was accepted as an officer candidate due to his father’s connections with the royal family. He was eventually promoted to lieutenant. While he was still in training in November 1918, World War I ended with German’s defeat. He was never able to become an officer or see combat. He …show more content…

Himmler was anti-Semitic by the time he went to Technical University Munich, where he avoided his Jewish classmates. He was a devoted Catholic while a student there. He continued to pursue a military career during his second year at the university. He wasn’t successful; however he did get involved in the paramilitary group in Munich. He then met Ernst Rohm, an early member of the Nazi party. Himmler admired him because he was a decorated combat soldier. In 1922, he joined Rohm’s anti-Semitic nationalist group, known as the Reichskriegsflagge. He joined the Nazi party in 1923 and quickly developed a reputation for thoroughness and efficiency. From 1925 to 1930 he was a propaganda leader for the Nazis in Bavaria, Swabia and the Palatinate. In 1929, Himmler was selected by Hitler to build up a group that was to become Hitler’s bodyguard – the SS. This group numbered 200 men at first.
Himmler was elected to the Reichstag as Nazi deputy for Weser-Ems in 1930. He continued to expand the SS so that by 1933, it had 52,000 men in it. He became very interested in the occult and felt the SS was a new type of people – soldiers, academics, administrators and leaders all in one. They were in his mind the new aristocracy of …show more content…

He gained more power after 1933 and this thought came to dominate his mind, as did hunting out traitors in Germany. The SS was given more responsibilities. Its main role was to help in the gathering of threats to the Nazi party. Himmler was appointed head of the Gestapo in April, 1934. The Gestapo became the most feared group in Nazi Germany and was located in Europe in World War II. He was one of the most powerful Nazi’s. In 1936, he was appointed leader of the German Police.
Hitler turned to Himmler when it came time to annihilate the Jews. Himmler obeyed the order he received, showing almost more amorality than immorality. Himmler was in charge of Germany’s concentration camps and Eastern Europe’s death camps. His expertise at organization had serious consequences for the Jews. The first murders were carried out by shooting, however, they wanted a more efficient method. They decided to put the Jews in gas chambers in Poland. The chambers were filled with poisonous gases. It is estimated that around 6 million Jews were killed as well as 6 million

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