Bonita: The Beloved Beauty of Chalatenango

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In 1972, in a town called Chalatenango, El Salvador there was a little girl that everybody call Bonita. People like to call her like that because she was beautiful, she have blue eyes, her hair was light brown, she have a very beautiful face too and her attitude was to appreciate everybody. When she was about 12 years old, she like to do a lot of things, one of the things that she love to do was to play soccer with her friends. Her friends said that she is really good playing soccer. When the years were coming she did not change the way she was, she just change physically, but she still a good person, people still call her Bonita and love her. She treat people very good, she was humble, and she care about the feelings of others more than anything …show more content…

When her father told her that she have to marry with Leo she said “ No, I am not marry someone that I don’t love, and just because you want to have more money”. Regardless that Bonita said no, her father start planning the wedding of Leo and Bonita. The days past and Bonita thought that her father resigned about marrying her with Leo. But, she was wrong, one day during the week she was eating breakfast with her nanny her father came with her and say to her “Your wedding with Leo is going to be this saturday”. She did not what to answer to her father, Bonita was in shock because she did not want to get marry. More days pass and when it was saturday Bonita was crying when she was getting ready to marry with someone who she did not love. Also, she heard from other people that Leo was an arrogant person and even when he was a good looking man he does not have feelings for others and he have a heart of a beast because he is a cold person with everybody. The moment came, and Leo was waiting for Bonita to arrive to the church. Bonita start walking to the man who was going to be her husband in just some minutes. Everything was done in about 10 minutes and now Bonita was married with Leo, her father was happy because he became to have more money than before, Leo did not care too much about Bonita’s feelings, he just want to have more money by getting marry with

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