Blackfeet Indian Afterlife Research Paper

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According to the Romans, people are sent to the River of Forgetfulness so they can reincarnate into another life. However, those who have acted badly in their lives do not have the option of reincarnation reincarnation, and, instead, must stay in perdition forever. The Blackfeet Indians believed in a ghost camp afterlife where all the dead went In the reading it did never say if good or bad people live there or if all dead people go there or only some; in this story there isn’t much information discussing the afterlife so I don’t really understand everything about what they thought would happen to you after death. The third myth is about what the Mantu think about the afterlife. In neither of the stories it really discusses much about it, the first myth the Man who would shoot Iruwa just talks about how the sun gods guard the underworld nothing more. In the second myth the girl who Wanted New Teeth all it talks about regarding the afterlife is that the chief, Imana brought back the woman’s children. One of the most interesting things in it was the egyptian mythology. It says once before entering the …show more content…

Hinduism as a similar belief the only difference seems to be for you to reincarnate you have to go down a very long tunnel to do so. Like christianity islam also has a hell. Heaven has seven different levels the higher the level the better you were, hell also has seven levels the lower the level the worse you were in the afterlife. To be honest I really don’t believe in the afterlife I think once when you die nothing happens after that.My belief has both pros and cons the pros being to live life to the fullest because there I think there is no afterlife I am not going to have another chance. The main con of my belief is that I will never see anyone of my dead friends or family in another

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