Bison Bion Research Paper

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Bison bison, or simply bison, have an average body mass of 579 kg. They are herbivores, mainly surviving on prairie grass. Bison are selective grazers, and never remain in one place for long. This means they do not overgraze any one area. The hooves of bison leave indentions in the land where they travel. These indentions in the earth help trap moisture and rain fall necessary for plants to survive upon. The upturned earth also aids in burying seeds. Larger indentions may also be created when a bison rolls upon the dirt to cool off. These may eventually form water holes for all types of species. Wolves, bears, and mountain lions also hunt young, weak, and/or old bison. This allows predators to provide for themselves and their offspring. Females produce one calf per year with an average gestation period of around nine months. The maximum life span of a bison is thirty-three years. The average size …show more content…

They are nonvenomous snakes. Like all reptiles, kingsnakes have scales and are ectothermic. They are carnivorous. Prairie kingsnakes are important for the prairie ecosystem because they consume other snakes, many of which are venomous. This prevents these venomous snakes from reaching high populations and thereby protecting prey species populations. They also eat lizards and rodents. In order to kill their prey, the kingsnake uses constriction as opposed to biting. They are eaten by raccoons, foxes, and raptors. Humans often kill kingsnakes, mistaking them for dangerous or as venomous snakes. Females produce five to seventeen eggs. They hibernate in the winter and live solitary lives. They live twenty to thirty years in the wild. Prairie kingsnakes have a least concern conservation status. Other prairie snakes include the prairie rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis viridis), the bull snake (Pituophis melanoleucus sayi), the green racer (Coluber constrictor), and several species of garter

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