Bipolar Disorder In The Movie Silver Linings Playbook

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I watched the movie Silver Linings Playbook. The main character, Pat, has bipolar disorder. Although this is stated about a fourth of the way through the movie, I don’t think it would have been a hard diagnosis to make. Pat has very dramatic mood swings, and is quick to go from very sad to very “up” as his father calls it. Another symptom is having states of depression. There are definitely points in the movie where you can tell he is in a depressed state, but the defining characteristic of bipolar disorder is having manic states as well. I think that Pat definitely shows himself as being manic at several points in the movie. Often when people are manic they come up with these great big ideas that may not be attainable, as Pat often does with the idea that he will be able to get back together with his wife if he loses weight and always finds the “silver lining.” He even appeared to be suffering from delusions, as he states in this therapist’s office. All these symptoms together would make me sure bipolar disorder was the right diagnosis. There is no “cure” for bipolar disorder, so...

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