Catcher In The Rye Bipolar Analysis

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According to the Webster Medical Dictionary, bipolar disorder is defined as several mood disorders characterized usually by alternating episodes of depression and mania. This disease can also be known as manic depression. In J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye, the main character Holden suffers from this disease. Because of the lack of love from his parents and medical help, we witness his situation deteriorate until he reaches the point of a breakdown. One of the main symptoms of bipolar disorder is depression (WebMD). In the novel Holden is constantly expressing that he is depressed, and sometimes even that he wishes he was dead. We always hear him saying things like that makes me depressed, or it was depressing. An example of this is after Maurice and Sunny come and he punches him, he says he wants to kill himself. He is all …show more content…

In your highs you can feel extremely energetic, while your lows you may feel exhausted (National Institute of Mental Health). As Holden tells us this story, it is noticeable the lack of sleep he has. It is almost as if he always experiences the highs of his disease, as opposed to the lows, i.e. Feeling tired. When he arrives in New York, we already know it is late because he tells us everything he did that day. A normal person would probably be ready to get a hotel room and jump in bed, however Holden does the opposite. He goes from the lavender room in the hotel, to Ernie's down the street. Then he meets Maurice and Sunny, who we spends a good amount of time with. After all of this is done, we have to assume that it is around three or four in the morning. The next chapter starts with “I didn’t sleep too long, because I think it was only around ten o’clock when I woke up” (Salinger, 137). In conclusion, we can gather from this that Holden rarely sleeps, and if he does it is not for long. This is just another affect of his bipolar

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