Big Green Tractor By Jason Aldean

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My Personal Playlist I have picked a handful of song that show you what I have went through and overcame to make where I am today. So with that said I’m going to try and put you in my shoes and let you in on some of the unfortunate event that I have had to overcome. While you read further into my life there will be some ups and downs but you are going to be one of the lucky ones because there is only a handful of people that know this side of me!! With the song “Big Green Tractor” by Jason Aldean is going to be a good place to start. This is a song that really does hit close to home because since I grew up on a farm we have always had livestock and that means that you have to have a tractor to do all your shore. So I was always out there helping my dad putting out hay and everything else that needed to be done but I was always stuck running the gates for him but I liked to call it being “gate bitch”. I always went out to help because I felt that it was part of my responsibility to help my dad with all the chores because I knew he wouldn’t be able to do it on his own. When I was younger I always begged my dad to let me drive the tractor but he always said that I was to small that I needed to wait until I got bigger, so I waited but while I waited I would jump in beside him and ride along with him …show more content…

He was like a second father to me, I could call him up at any time and he would be there no matter what. He was my biggest role model because he never lost his cool with anyone, it didn’t matter how mad someone made him. He was great to me because I could always go to him with any problem I had and I know that he will always be watching over me because when I was younger I did a lot of things that I never should have

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