Biblical Covenant Essay

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The theme of biblical covenant is relevant throughout not only the New Testament, but to the modern Christian church. Learning about these covenants is not only important because they are apart of church history, but because they are key in understanding just how much God loves His created people. This paper discusses the relevance of the topic of the covenant and why Christians should be studying biblical covenants today. Three major covenants of the Old Testament, the Mosaic, Davidic, and Abrahamic covenants, find their fulfillment in the New Testament Gospels.
Covenant in The Gospels
The New Covenant made in the gospel between Jesus and all of man replaces that Mosaic Covenant that was created in the Old Testament. In Exodus …show more content…

He says that the people are expected to not add to or annul the covenants (Galatians 3:15) The people are supposed to have respect for the covenant. Through respecting the covenant, the people are showing their respect for The Lord as well. "The Mosaic law failed to impart spiritual power and life. The New Covenant imparts the Hoty Spirit’s power to all who put their faith in Jesus.” (P. Sanlon. Pg. 85) Sanlon writes about the superiority of the New Covenant in the Pauline Epistles verses the Mosaic Covenant in the Old Testament. Paul also references the New Covenant in 1 Corinthians 11:25, “In the same way, he took the cup of wine after supper, saying, ‘this cup is the new covenant between God and his people- an agreement confirmed with my blood. Do this in remembrance of me as often as you drink it.’” Paul writes a lot about the Mosaic covenant and even the Abrahamic covenant, but here he is actually writing about the New Covenant and then he speaks about instructions for worship and says, “For every time you eat this bread and drink this cup, you are announcing the Lord’s death until he comes again.” (1 Corinthians 11:26) This verse is especially impactful because it shows what the New Covenant means to Paul and what it should mean to …show more content…

speak about the Mosaic covenant. These perfectly show how God transitioned from the old Mosaic covenant into the NEW covenant talked about in Revelation. Revaltion as a whole is discussing the end times and the fulfillment of the New Covenant. God’s promise was actually made to Israel in the old testament but in the new testament things are changed. Revelation confirmed that you didn’t need to be “god’s chosen people” to be chosen. All you have to do is believe in and follow Christ in order to fit into this covenant and be able to go to heaven. Revelation 14 shares, in a confusing way, that if you have faith and follow the law, you will be able to go to heaven. This is not exclusive to any group of people – this is for all of the human race that God created. No matter if one is Jew or gentile. Faith in Christ Jesus and a respect for the law means that you have salvation. This chapter should carry a special place in the church today, because it means that we will be able to enter the Kingdom of God.

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