Being Creative College Essay

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Many people may be struggling with reality in the world, which has set boundaries, but then there are the people that use imagination, which lets them think and do anything they want. Sometimes people go in and out of reality, but most believe reality is the only thing and you have to live in it or else you are crazy. I think of it in a different way that being creative is the best way to have happiness in your life, which will lead you to greatness and your deepest passions. Even I have gone in out of reality, but I have noticed that my greatest moments have been from my imagination. I have created many scores for musicals and movies, and that couldn't have happened without my own inputs. I had Created In the Heights which won a tony award, and when I did my speech I wanted to do it differently than everyone else, so a freestyle rap was the best option since it's something I am good at and passionate about. Even when I wrote In the Heights I wanted it to be unique so for casting aspects i wanted actors that we Latino or of that ethnicity so the culture of the show would be able to come through. This …show more content…

Most of my shows have come from my imagination, for example Hamilton. I had to do a paper in high school about the disputes between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr, which later in life gave me the idea to write a musical about it. I also wanted the show to be unique and like our world today, so I looked it up to see if anyone had done a musical like this and to my surprise no one had, which then sent me to work. So I created this show and even the casting was different, I decided to do a mixed cast even though most of our historians were white to show that color doesn't matter, character does. With your imagination, a musical about american history is not to far, you can go

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