Batman Essay

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Christopher Nolan once again shows his incredible works and brings yet another adrenaline-filled movie to the big screen, ‘The Dark Knight’ It had everything you could imagine from fighting to heart-breaking. The way he includes different series of relationships is remarkable. We see all sorts of familiar faces from his previous film ‘Batman Begins’, but the audience is introduced to a few new characters as well. In ‘Batman Begins’ the movie was dark but this time round Nolan completely, turned the plot and made it even darker. The Dark Knight maintained a serious tone which made it more effective. There was lots of fighting which was expected and drastic moments which made me eager to watch the film even more. Throughout the film there were …show more content…

His mission is to keep Gotham city safe and protect the good from the evil. Some scenes of the film were put in life and death situations by the devious villain (the Joker) who wants to terrorise everything and everyone to get what he wants. Christopher Nolan presents this action-packed movie on the big screen, so everybody can have a chance to see what really goes on in the world of Gotham. When the joker ( Heath Ledgar) threatens Gotham, Bruce Wayne puts on his ‘make-believe’ costume and takes on the role of Batman. The film served great entertainment with its bright cast and various plot twist. Batman is joined by Jim Gordon (Nathan Gamble) and Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart) to destroy the crime, and make Gotham an unthreatened place to be. Harvey Dent is dating the love of Batmans life; Rachel Dawes played by Maggie Gyllenhaal. Gary Oldman plays Gordon. Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman have curious roles who is Waynes support staff. Tom Hardy was unrecognisable in his Bane costume while Joseph Gordon- Levitt and Marion Cotillard were both outstanding- and comfortable with Nolans directing style and the films dramatic

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