Research Paper On Spider Man Homecoming

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Spider-Man Homecoming review

Before watching movie
Before watching the movie, we were intrigued by the action packed trailer, exciting movie posters and talented cast that mostly everyone knows and loves. From Tom Holland to Robert Downey Jr, there is no reason not to be excited for such a compelling movie. We learned that the movie is rated PG-13, so for some younger viewers, it may be too sophomoric to watch because of rude humor, and strong language. The director, Jon Watts, also directed movies like Cop Car, Clown, and Aka Blondie. He also co-wrote Spider-man Homecoming . His talent is undervalued since he did an admirable job with Spider-Man Homecoming.

After walking out of the theatre, we were astonished by the thrill and action of the film. This wasn’t …show more content…

This also stood out in the movie because when you hear family, you will most likely think of two parents and possibly siblings. It seems that in his case, this isn't true. He has no siblings or parents to call family. That's why his aunt May always is attentive when he speaks and loving with everything he does.
Ned and Peter

Every movie has that one wacky character that has you cracking up with whatever they say. Ned is foolish and sometimes idiotic in this movie. Without this type of character, films tend to be dull and genuine. This broke up the seriousness in the film and produced some humor.

We were then introduced to the “bad guys” of the movie. This is what made it an actual superhero movie. There were a lot of plot twists with the criminals. Several times our jaws dropped to the floor once an insane moment occurred. We enjoyed all of the twist and turns of the movie, which made us feel as if we were in a maze. Experiencing unexpected paths that change our direction. Some of the villains personalities would change which would lead movie watchers into a different path in the film. Love and family modified whether or not they choose the path of

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