BSE Paper

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Why a Biology, Society and Environment Degree? For me writing this paper is a difficult task. I would like to say I have some set goal. A dream; a school; a plan A that I am working towards. That in choosing to pursue a Biology, Society and Environment (BSE) degree I knew that I was choosing something that would help achieve a definitive goal. But that is wholly opposite of the reason I chose to be a BSE major. The truth is I chose this major not to support a future goal but because I felt that it was one of the few majors that allowed a student keep their future possibilities open. If I have any goal or plan to speak of it is that I always want multiple paths open to me. The BSE major provided me that by being a major that one gave me control of the classes I could take, much like the individualized degree programs offered but without the stigma attached. And secondly it offered the opportunity of gaining a strong back ground in science without sacrificing the traditional idea of a liberal education. Once I graduate I want to have as many interesting possibilities open to me as I conceivably can. Through this paper I would like to say how the BSE degree may aid me by first defining what I believe interdisciplinary means, the pros and cons I have found in an interdisciplinary BSE degree, and finally what are some of the options open to me after graduation. Interdisciplinary is defined as “involving two or more academic, scientific, or artistic disciplines.” (merrium-webster) A better definition then that, if you want to get poetic is that interdisciplinary means between the rules of knowledge. (Inter meaning between, and discipline meaning a branch of knowledge or control that is gained by requiring that rules be followed). In o... ... middle of paper ... ...t with a local nonprofit, or entry level position with a government organization like the DNR. Being that a second language was a requirement for the BSE as well I’ve played with the idea of seeing if I can get into the post graduate study abroad program for Senegal since French was my language of choice and they have an environmental sustainable tracked. Some of the practical skills that I’ve gained from my BSE major that would help in applying for these position are strong foundation in basic science and the fact that much of my upper level course work was writing intensive and focused on building the ability to express my ideas in a clear format. Having the biology back ground with the skill to write about it effectively has been pretty useful. Over all I’m happy that I chose the BSE as my major it offered me flexibility and many possibilities for my future path.

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