Authoritarian Parenting Style Analysis

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One such type of parenting technique is authoritarian parenting. Authoritarian parents are the parents that are involved in a child’s life from the second the child is born into the family. The parents are in charge of everything. From the small things like which toy a child to get to the ideas of a child must play an instrument, must be at least bilingual and other extracurricular activities. Authoritarian parents are a synonym to Indian parenting styles. Research has shown that almost 85% of parents in India in the early 2000s used authoritarian parenting when raising a child till the age of 15. Not only that, but when asked if parents would try the western parenting techniques. Almost 50% answer they would not alter their parenting style …show more content…

Furthermore, many children in India that are raised by authoritarian parents have a better tolerance level, and are more likely to be a quick thinker in crucial situations. (188). However, as many parents started to immigrant to the United States they had to sacrifice their parenting techniques for them to be successful. The sacrifice of the parenting style was not simple. According to, S. Jambunathan (2000), in a survey about 100 parents about how they feel about the change in their parenting styles. About 95 % of the parents responded by saying how they are not happy about the change, but decided to change their parenting style because they wanted their children to be successful (Jambunathan 399). Jambunathan is implying many people the change was a simple change, but it was not a simple change. Although, there is not a significant difference between authoritarian parenting and authoritative/permissive parenting, it is still a change that bothers many Indian parents. However, many parents did not know what authoritative parenting, but as time went on they figured out what is authoritative parenting and permissive …show more content…

According to Beck (2005), Indian’s in India had the culture surrounding them to teach their children about who they are, and the significance of Indian culture. Because the children were engrossed into their culture and the significance of the Indian culture, it kept on getting passed on to the next generation (91). To compare this to the modern world, it is like a ring or a special piece of memory that is pass through the family. Meanwhile, the stories of the Indian culture told by the parents are the same as the ring passed through the family because it is significant to that family, or person. Only that family is able to realize how special it is, and they are the only people to keep a value on those priceless jewelry or moments. However, the normal of passing on the Indian culture stopped in the United States because of the changes in the parenting styles. As parents started to change their styles, the children knew they had the advantages. At a young age, who would stay and pay attention to a history lesson that is useless in the worldly life? Many Indian parents started to realize this of how the children in the United States did not care about their culture. In a study done by Beck, it showed about how only about 50% of the children born in the United States had any to some knowledge on their culture, and about another 5-10% have little to no idea of their culture (91). Of

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