Associative Montage Analysis

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1. “The idea-associative montage juxtaposes two seemingly disassociated events to create a third principal idea or concept—that is not contained in either of the montage parts” (Zettl, page 402). One such idea-associative montage is comparison idea-associative montage which comprises of shots that are juxtaposed thematically related events or objects to establish the same basic theme or idea. Video commercials still make frequent use of comparison montages because they must get complex messages across in a short time. Mazda created a commercial in which helps to explain this type of comparison idea-associative montage ( The video shows a cheetah turning into a Mazda CX-5 to help show the cars versatility …show more content…

“In the collision montage, you clash two opposite events to express or reinforce a basic idea or feeling” (Zettl page 404). The collision of these events create a tension that helps to improve the familiarity of those viewing the video—these instances can be not too obvious because if they were, those people would catch on and become annoyed with it rather than engage in it. Zettl provides the example which compares a homeless and hungry man searching through a garbage can looking for a mean then a shot of a “well-nourished glutton indulging himself” (Zettl, page 404). The example I chose is a Asian ad which depicts two children side by side, the boy on the left is probably an everyday teen while the little girl on the right is clearly impoverished ( I believe the commercial is adverting clean water for those in impoverished territories/situations. This is an extremely powerful and insightful ad which hits the viewers and tugs on their heart strings but definitely enlightens them in a way that could possibly influence them to help out as well. “While the collision montage is a powerful filmic device, it is also an equally conspicuous one, so be extremely careful how and when you use it. If the montage becomes too obvious, you will alienate rather than enlighten or emotionally involve the sensitive viewer” (Zettl page 404). I think the example provided definitely was not too obvious in a way that effects how the viewer sees the

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