Arguments Against Mandatory Service

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I feel that mandatory service would be harmful to the United States of America. Service should be a choice. Whether it is local, national, or military. Anytime that the word mandatory is attached to anything it sounds negative. The people wouldnt want to participate in something that would be a requirement. I feel service of any level should be by choice.

On the local level, mandatory service sounds the most appealing. The idea of giving back somewhere that you may immediately be able to see the results of your deeds is most tempting. Unfortunately, not everyone has the will or desire to volunteer. It would become a battle of getting everyone to participate. You couldn't expect all disabled individuals to participate as some are …show more content…

People fled the country at times to dodge the draft. The wealthy if drafted were given safer assignments. It was a dangerous idea then, and I feel it would be even more dangerous now. It would create the problem of people looking for loop holes if they didn't want to join. There would be even more people incarserated for trying to get out of their service requirement. Also, I feel that it would take away from the honor of serving that the men and women of today's military recieve. It would change Veteran's Day from an honorable day for service personnel to everyone gets a trophy …show more content…

When you are able to give voluntarily you are more willing to give more money, time, food, or help. Once it is required I dont feel that people would still be as willing to go above and beyond in their donation or service. There would be people that would show up but not actually participate. That would lead to more issues in itself. The people showing up willing to do their part would seperate themselves from those who just show up to be there. I feel that would cause greater division than we have

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