Argumentative Essay: Should Chocolate Milk Stay In Schools?

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At the moment there is a big controversy going on about selling chocolate milk in schools. The main argument is that chocolate milk has a lot of sugar and fat. However, flavored milk drinkers are no more likely to be overweight, but are more likely to get enough calcium and have a better diet than kids who don’t. Chocolate milk should stay in schools because it has been used by runners as a health drink, it gets kids to drink milk, and there is a healthy alternative to chocolate milk that’s chocolate milk.

Chocolate milk should stay in schools because it has replaced water and Gatorade in marathons. For instance, at the Wineglass Marathon in Corning, N.Y., during 2011, according to participant Dan DiFonzo in an article by NPR, at the …show more content…

That’s important because since 1990 milk consumption has dropped from 25 to 20 gallons a person a year. Some people don’t care about the calcium, they just care about the unhealthiness, but truly milk consumption is more important than any added sugar. And in a recent study, over a period of 2 years, when 58 schools around the nation stopped selling flavored milk, they found a 32% to 64% drop in milk consumption, proving chocolate milk gets kids to drink milk. ABC News reports that kids drink most of their milk in school. 70% of milk in school is flavored and 70% of milk kids drink is flavored. Most people think that those numbers are connected but they are purely …show more content…

Some schools have decided to use a healthy compromise instead. According to ABC News the compromise chocolate milk has 40 less calories and 6 less grams of sugar. This is meant to help because the main reason people are criticizing it is because it is loaded with sugar and fat, but if there isn’t as much sugar and fat there really is no reason to criticize. One school district in Virginia found that when they deleted chocolate milk from their menu there were complaints from the same amount of parents as there were pleased. Those parents were concerned about how much calcium their kids would be getting because they worried that their kids would stop consuming milk

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